Monday, August 17, 2009

Samsung Reclaim hits shelves

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The eco friendly Samsung Reclaim went on sale yesterday for only $49.99. Below find a list why you might want to get one yourself:

How is the Reclaim environmentally friendly?
Key green attributes include:

1. The Samsung Reclaim is 80% recyclable
2. The Reclaim meets European standards for RoHS compliance, which means the device contains no cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
3. The Reclaim contains no polyvinyl chloride (PVC), phthalates, or brominated flame retardants (BFRs), except for the Qualcomm chipset.
4. The casing is a blend of bioplastics sourced from corn (40%) and polycarbonate (60%)
5. The charger, approved by Energy Star, consumes 12 times less power than the Energy Star standard for standby power consumption and once the Reclaim is fully charged, a visable alert lets the user to unplug the phone charger.
6. Because of the use of bioplastics, the manufacturing process of the device produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than typical devices.
7. The outer packaging and inner tray are made from 70 percent recycled materials. The images and text on the box as well as the phone warranty information are printed with soy-based ink. The full user guide is online with just a brief guide in the box


Acer to bring three touchscreen netbooks to market

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According to Digitimes, an Acer project manager has stated that Acer will deliver three Windows 7 powered Touchscreen Netbooks. The interesting thing about this is that Acer is looking into in-cell touch technology. In-cell touch technology builds directly on TFT-LCD panels and is cheaper than regular touch solutions.

It is expected that in-cell touch panels will go into mass production second half of 2009. With Windows 7 coming up it is likey that netbook manufacturers will turn to touchscreen functionality en masse. Competetion will most likeley focus on price, since specs are limited by Microsoft. In-cell touch technology may very well deliver an excellent price quality ratio. Of course other netbooks, like the Tegra powered ones, will not be bound by Microsoft per se and thus come up with even better performance, especially in terms of HD playback.


SSD comparison Super Talent Ultra Drive ME SSD big winner

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Sascha at has tested four SSD drives and the graphs leave no doubt. Super Talent's Ultra Drive ME is super fast with 125/122 R/W speeds. Sascha installed Windows 7 RC1 in only 15 minutes on this little monster. Second came the Runcore Pro IV, third PhotoFast Monster V3 and fourth A-Data S592. Head out to the article for the test.



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Twenty something Dutch gadget maniac and geek. Love everything technology and I'm curious by nature!